“Kirsty has been the biggest yet best investment I have made.  Thank you Kirsty, I will be forever grateful.”

I’d never invested in a business coach before but if I wanted to overcome many obstacles, gain more confidence, learn more about me and also how I can reach my goals, I needed someone who I felt had my back.  And I instantly knew it was going to be Kirsty. 

She just gets me and she totally understands the emotions we have as business owners taking a leap in a whole new direction.

Before I even started working with Kirsty I was always thinking ‘how would Kirsty feel if I made that choice’, she’d already made an impact before I joined the Aligned for Success programme.

It has been a rollercoaster of a ride and not only Kirsty, but the small yet influential group has played a huge part of where I am today in my business, who I am as an individual and my vision for the future.

Kirsty has been the biggest yet best investment I have made.  Thank you Kirsty, I will be forever grateful.

- Lorraine Issott, Founder @ Time to Shine VA


“I highly recommend working with Kirsty in whatever capacity you can ❤️ I hope to work with her more in the future.”


“I came out of every call with a renewed sense of clarity, motivation and knowing which direction I needed to go.”