What Do You Do When Feeling Stuck in Your Business?

What does it feel like to be stuck in business? It’s a feeling of dread and frustration but it’s important to get to the bottom of why we feel this way and why we are struggling to move forward.

Motivation and mojo get up and go when we feel that stuck, and all passion we have for our business evaporates. So what can we do about it? First things first, you need to acknowledge how you are feeling, be aware of it, and stop telling yourself it’s going to pass. It’s time to take action.

  1. What can you do?

When you feel like you’re stuck, your entire perspective changes. You start to think from a contracting space. Operating from a mindset that everything is difficult and you don’t know what to do, almost reaffirms that very mindset, that you don’t know what to do, and the cycle of being stuck remains.

To move forward, it’s essential you get out of the cycle. The first thing I say to my clients when they tell me they feel this way is to stop. I know, it sounds counter-intuitive, right? Of course, it does, as humans, we naturally fall into the masculine flow of push, push, push. “The harder I work, something will stick, something will come up, all I have to do is work more, reach out for more clients, I’m not doing enough…” Sound familiar? All of this just adds to the feeling of being stuck because now you’ve lumped a load of pressure on top which keeps you in that place even more.

So you have to stop. When you do stop, you will find yourself feeling like you’re not doing enough, but what we need to do, is reintroduce the creativity and the vision. We need to stop telling ourselves we don’t know what to do or that we don’t have the answer. It’s time to take the pressure off through an intervention of our own mindset.

By stopping we allow ourselves to see the bigger picture and find a way to move forward. Make space in your diary to go and do something fun, or work from a different location, but whatever you do, get out of the overwhelming state of feeling stuck and allow yourself to see new opportunities from a new perspective. You need to reconnect with your business.

Believe it or not, if you’re feeling desperate for work, it will start to show in the way you interact with people, in your social media posts, and body language. Who wants to do business with someone who is behaving in such a desperate manner? Would you? Recognise that you’re stuck, and stop!

2. What feels good?

When you do stop, you need to ask yourself some serious questions. What makes me feel good? What do I enjoy? It doesn’t have to be huge projects, it could just be that you like networking events or certain areas of work.

Once you establish what makes you feel good, ask yourself if those things give positive returns. When you do something you like, do you get more clients or a better reaction? What feels good to you? Tune into it and do more of what works, more of what gets you feeling joyful.

Naturally, the next step is to remove the things that don’t make you feel good in your business. That doesn’t mean that you should stop doing the things you don’t enjoy but they bring in the money. It simply means you need to realign the business to bring in that same money by doing things in a way you enjoy instead. Ask yourself what sort of clients you want to work with, ask yourself if you’re showing up in the right places, if your message is right, and are you in front of the right people?

Not feeling stuck is a choice. You have to trust yourself to figure it out, if you want it bad enough and you want to make your business work, you need to do something about it. Reconnect with what really matters to you and why you started your business in the first place. If you have just started another job for yourself instead of a business you won’t be happy, if you’re not experiencing the freedom you anticipated you won’t be happy. So go back to your why.

Allow yourself to do something that inspires you, whether that’s networking, attending a concert, or joining an art class. Whatever it is, get to a place you feel refreshed, re-energised, and ultimately, back in touch with why you started the business in the first place. Take responsibility for what you are creating, it will make such a difference. By all means, you can employ the help of a business coach, but that will only yield results if you put the work in.

3. Is your business right for you?

By taking the pressure off you can get to a place where you can re-evaluate why things aren’t working, you can ask yourself if the business you created is really what you want to be doing. Just because you created something a year ago doesn’t mean you have to stick at it if it isn’t making you happy.

Recognise the compound effect. Don’t expect results overnight. By taking these small actions every day, towards doing things that make you happy, and taking yourself from a place of feeling stuck, it’s like watering the soil beneath your feet, and eventually, you will see the flowers bloom.

Realign, reassess and keep on going. But remember one thing, business should be fun! If you’re doing something that makes you feel stressed and dread, what is the point? Fun can be professional as long as you are providing your clients with the quality of service they expect. Just because Joe Bloggs Corporate down the road runs his business super seriously, doesn’t mean you have to run yours the same. Your clients will be attracted to your personality so let that show through.

You are the only person who can make a difference. It all starts with YOU! So get out there, stop feeling stuck and do something about it! To help you, I’ve created a handy guide so click the link below to grab yours.

Come and hang out with me on LinkedIn, please say Hi! I would love to hear from you!


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