Are your Actions Intentional?

Do you often feel like you’re taking lots of actions but aren’t getting anywhere? That could be because your action isn’t intentional.

I see so many clients who are being proactive, taking lots of actions to get to where they want to be, like joining free programmes, listening to podcasts, and reading books but find themselves with no results despite their hard work.

This is usually the point a client comes to me, feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and even worse like they no longer want to be in their business.

The reason for all of these efforts going unpaid is because the action is not intentional and people often find themselves going round and round in circles. So why do we do this? It’s really quite simple.

We start our businesses with a goal, a goal to succeed. Whether that’s bringing in more money or finding more clients. How do we do this? We read all the How To business books, we immerse ourselves in podcasts, we join every course that offers us results, and suddenly, find ourselves completely burnt out from taking so much action but getting almost zero results.

The reason this happens is that we often dive into taking all of these actions without starting out with a vision of what we are trying to achieve. If you want an outcome from joining all those groups and reading all of those books, you need to ask yourself up front, what is it you hope to get out of it? What does the end goal look like to you?

By having this clarity, you can start to take actionable steps to get you to your end goal, rather than simply taking actions for the sake of it. This is when your actions become intentional.

Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve found yourself in this position, most business owners have. It’s what you do about it that counts. All you have to remember is to take steps that align with your vision and your goals. By doing this, you should start to see results. Be patient, and don’t get bogged down in taking actions that ultimately won’t get you to where you want to be. Ask yourself often, if I do this, will it get me there? That question can only be answered, by knowing up front what you want your end goal to be.

Come and hang out with me on LinkedIn, please say Hi! I would love to hear from you!


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