Is Your Fear Holding You Back in Business?

Fear in its most basic term is the body’s emotional reaction to something. It’s our body’s way of telling us that there is something we need to be aware of. However, a lot of the fears we have about business, are not actually real fears.

When we feel fear in business, it isn’t because we are worried a big ugly monster is coming to get us. More likely, it’s the fear of judgment and of failure. The good news is, these are fears we can do something about, fears we can work on and get over.

So, how do we learn to deal with our fears when it comes to business?

  1. Ask yourself if your fear is real. Look for the evidence to validate that it isn’t.

    If you’re telling yourself that you cannot start a business because nobody will ever buy what you’re selling, ask yourself how you know that. Have you spoken to people? Have you conducted market research? Where are these fears coming from?

  2. Ask yourself what you are really scared of. What is hiding behind those emotions? What is triggering your fear?

    Very often people fear judgment from others, failure, or worry about money. Instead of lumping all of those emotions into one, resulting in a burning ball of fear in the pit of your stomach, break each of those fears down separately and reason with where they are coming from.

  3. What legacy do you want to leave behind?

    Think ahead to the future, when you can look back at yourself and your business and ask yourself what you wanted to achieve in your business. Do you want to see yourself just where you are now, or do you want to have been able to get over your fears, followed your actions, and created the business you always dreamed of? Before you get carried away, however, make sure to consider your ‘why’s’. Why do you want to achieve this or that? The reason you need to consider your why is to get to a place where your want and desire are bigger than your fear. This, in turn, should help you to beat your fears and push you forward.

  4. Lastly, start to take intentional action toward your goals.

    Taking small, actionable steps towards your end goal will help manage your fear. I’ve written a whole blog post about intentional actions which you can read here.

So, start letting go of that fear by better understanding where it’s coming from. Follow my tips and find yourself more confident about where you are headed and what you hope to achieve.

Best of luck! x

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Are your Actions Intentional?